Monday, December 28, 2009

Dinner Tonight

dinner=la cena

We've been on a deep-fat fry kick lately. In fact, that's what most of our Sunday dinners consist of. We stock up on ready-made items from Sam's Club--chicken strips, corn dogs, taquitos, egg rolls (I was the only one who ate those), tater tots, Rhodes Rolls to make scones, etc. Tonight, I used the fryer to make a super easy Italian Chicken dinner. Enjoy!

Italian Chicken
Seasoned chicken strips (Amount depends on number of hungry mouths to feed.)
1 (14 oz.) can diced tomatoes, pureed in blender
1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce
1/4 t. granulated garlic
1/2 t. italian seasoning
Mozzarella cheese, grated

Cook chicken strips according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine the pureed tomatoes, tomato sauce, garlic, and italian seasoning to make a simple marinara sauce. Heat. Place cooked chicken strips in bottom of a baking dish. Top each with a large spoonful of marinara sauce and grated mozzarella cheese. Place in 425 oven until cheese melts. Note: You should have marinara sauce left over. Save and use on spaghetti or pizza or ?

Sunday Mornings


Waking up 6 kids and getting everyone ready for church on Sunday mornings often requires more energy than I've got. Rob's been the one to take on this responsiblity lately. I was sleeping in with the baby yesterday when Rob woke me to report that he'd gotten all the kids going and almost gone, except for Chase, our four-year old who could easily be considered inactive. It is such a struggle to get him to church sometimes. And once he's there, it's a struggle to get him to stay with his class. And then in Sacrament Meeting it's a struggle to help him be reverent. I took the easy way out and just let him sleep. Next year, Sunday mornings should go smoother with a later start time of 11:15am. I hope!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Baer Richard Thomas

baby=el bebé

Baer Richard Thomas
Born Saturday, August 15, 2009
Ogden Regional Medical Center
7 lbs. 7 oz.
20 1/2 inches long

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


family=la familia

I realized today that I neglected to introduce you to my brother Travis' new family. You may have noticed that there were a few extra faces in the crowd on Sunday!

Front row, left to right: Scott, Rhett, Aleah
Middle row, left to right: Kimi, Travis, Alicia
Back row, left to right: Madi, Eric, Bobby

Friday, December 5, 2008

In Memorium of Midnight

bunny=el conejito

In Memorium of Midnight
The infamous Midnight of bunny fame
Lost her life though she was tame.
Killed not by dog, or fox, or cat
She was drowned while taking a bath!

Teag with his bunny, Midnight, July 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

December Birthdays

Happy birthday!=Feliz cumpleaños!

FOR: December Birthdays, Robert's Aaronic Priesthood Ordination, Temple Square

DATE: Sunday, December 7th

TIME: Sacrament Meeting @ 1:05pm, Ordination @ 2:15pm


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Spanish Quest


We have decided to learn Spanish as a family. Just trying to be patriotic. You know what Obama says..."make sure your child speaks Spanish." Ha! Actually, many general authorities at the Church are asked to learn a second language to aid them in their callings and most often it's Spanish or Portuguese. In the August 2007 issue of the New Era magazine, it lists the top ten languages spoken by church members. At #1, of course, is English with 5,828,000 members. Next is Spanish with 3,681,000 members, followed by Portuguese with 907,000 members. Right now I'm spending a lot of time researching language learning methods for different age groups. I'm even shopping for a method that Rob and I can use. If any of you are interested, now's the time to join the band wagon! We could all hablamos espanol together!